Tilba District Community Bushfire Protection Planning Forum Outcomes

Following on from our 'Back to the Future' blog, Tilba District Community held its bushfire protection planning forum on 15 August.
The aim of the forum was to canvass the views of Tilba Community as to how we can be better prepared for future bushfire events.

5 areas of interest relating to improved preparation for bushfires were considered: water supply & infrastructure; fuel loads & hazard reduction; historic villages, farms & other properties; power infrastructure; communications & infrastructure.
62 participants from Tilba District community reflected on the experience of last summer's bushfires - 'what worked and didn't work.'
Further input was received via survey responses from locals who weren't able to attend the forum.
Working from the premise 'What should we be doing as a community and what should agencies be doing', guidelines were developed by participants to inform the design of solutions by relevant agencies.

The forum proceedings have now been written up - word for word, as a transparent record of all that was contributed by the community.
This document has also been provided to Eurobodalla Shire Council and relevant agencies - NSW Rural Fire Service, National Parks and Wild Life Service, Forestry NSW, and to Gulaga Board of Management :
The community's concerns and proposed ways forward for water supply & infrastructure and fuel loads & hazard reduction were taken to a subsequent meeting on 26 August with representatives from Council and relevant agencies - NSW RFS (assigned to lead the process of consulting and working with the community on bushfire protection plans), National Parks and Wildlife Service and Forestry NSW.
The minutes of this meeting are attached here for Tilba District Community to view.
Sincere thanks to all who attended the planning forum and to those who contributed ideas via survey responses.
Thank you also to Phil Shorten (local resident) for facilitating this forum and to the Tilba District Community Bushfire Protection Committee for the time given to preparing for the forum and the subsequent meeting with agencies.